Monday, February 16, 2009

Day 12 - letter A - The Appetite is Whetted

Today was a housework day. It's amazing how when you begin to see progress, it whets the appetite for more.

Yesterday I had oragnized a few shelves in my kitchen. This morning, as I was innocently doing my dishes, a sudden urge overtook me to tackle more: the cupboard with my good dishes and all the wasted space, and the one I had trouble getting things out of because it goes way back into a corner that is hard to reach. Aha! The perfect solution! Put the good dishes into that cupboard where they can await their rare ventures onto my table, and use the cupboard with all the handy space for large and frequently used items.

I am not sure everything has reached its final destination, as one really has to give it a trial run to smooth out any kinks. This I do know. I open that long cupboard and see my dishes, and crystal neatly stacked, and I feel proud, proud of myself for persevering, proud that I was open to doing things differently, and proud for finding a good solution.

That's what this should be all about; feeling good in our nest. And that I am ... for now.


  1. I love watching people work, Helen, and you're working hard! Glad you're seeing progress. You're inspiring me to tackle some extras in my home, so thank you for that!

  2. I'm so glad you are feeling inspired, Joanna.
    That's what it's all about.
